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2024: Keynote Speaker, Taiwan Summer Workshop on Information Systems (TSWIM)
2023: The Association of Information Systems (AIS) Mid-Career Award
2023: Junior Faculty Consortium Mentor, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, India
2023: Panel Member, “Publishing in Premier Journal,” at the International Conference on Information Management (ICIM), Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2023: Associate Editor, Journal of Management Information Systems - Special Issue on Metaverse
2022: Information Systems Research Associate Editor Award
2020: Keynote Speaker, Workshop on Big Data Analytics and Smart Commerce
2019: Associate Editor, Information Systems Research
2019: Associate Editor, MIS Quarterly - Special Issue on Managing AI
2019: Keynote Speaker, Annual Conference on China Association for Information Systems (CNAIS), Nanking, China
2019: Panel Member, National Sun Yat-sen University Summer MIS Workshop on Big Data Analytics and Smart Commerce
2019: Early Career Consortium Mentor, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Cancun, Mexico
2019: DBA Thesis Supervision - Best Dissertation Award - Dr. Rocky Cheng - How Does IT Chargeback Affects Strategic Alignment and Performance, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2018: Editorial Board, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS)
2018: Invited Panel Member, General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grant Council (akin to NSF): Since 2014, Dr. Hsieh has been invited as one of the three panel members to oversee annual grant applications in the area of information systems
2017: Top Professor Award, Dr. Hsieh was voted by students as the most popular teacher of the Master of Science Information Systems program at Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA
2016: Best Paper Award 1st Runner Up, Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference, Organizational Communication and Information Systems (OCIS) Division, Anaheim, California, USA
2016: Nominee for Carolyn Dexter Award, Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA
2016: Associate Editor, Decision Support Systems (DSS) - Special Issue on Omnichannel Business
2016: DBA Thesis Supervision - Best Dissertation Award - Dr. Yunbo Lian - An Empirical Analysis of Mobile Browsing Behaviors across Multiple Websites, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2016: Keynote Speaker, Baptist University Summer MIS Workshop, Hong Kong
2016: Keynote Speaker, Summer Big Data Workshop, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
2015: Annual Outstanding Special Interest Group (SIG) Award, awarded by Association of Information System (AIS) in recognition of excellence in SIG operations, communications, educational and/or professional development events, and research publications for 2014. Dr. Hsieh served as the President of SIG-ADIT (Adoption and Diffusion of IT) for the year of 2014.
2015: DBA Thesis Supervision - Best Dissertation Award - Dr. Min Wan - IT Governance Research of China Environmental Protection, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2014: Faculty of Business Fellow Award, recognition to achievement in raising the reputation of the Faculty of Business and Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
2014: Invited Plenary Panel, The 3rd OTT TV Industry Forum, Tianjin, China
2012: Annual Best Published Journal Paper Award, awarded by the Organization Communication and Information Systems (OCIS) division of the Academy of Management (AOM): This was awarded by the OCIS committee after reviewing IS papers published in premier management journals in 2011 – a prestigious recognition among the worldwide IS community.
2011: Nominated for Best Annual Paper Award by Management Science for the paper titled “Extracting Business Value from IT: A Sensemaking Perspective of Post-Adoptive Use”
2011: Invited Panel Member, “The Credibility Crisis in IS: A Global Stakeholder Perspective,” at the 32nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Shanghai, China. In this panel discussion, Dr. Hsieh was invited as one of the two representatives of Asian IS scholars to discuss important issues about the global IS community.
2010: Faculty Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2010: Research Associate, Center for Process Innovation, Georgia State University
2008: Junior Faculty Consortium, the Frontier in Service Conference, Washington, D.C.
2007: DBA Thesis Supervision - Best Dissertation Award - Dr. Wu Weining - The Success of Customer Relationship Management Systems, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2007: Junior Faculty Consortium, ICIS, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2006: Best Paper Award, Human Computer Interface (HCI) Track, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
2006: Junior Faculty Consortium, OCIS, AOM Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA
2002: Doctoral Consortium, Queens’ University Knowledge Summit, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
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