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Cazembe Monds, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, Liwei Chen, and Leigh Anne Liu, “Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder: How AI Implementation Influences Human Relationships,” Presented at the 84th Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Aug 9-13, 2024.
Yu-Li Hung, Shin-Yuan Hung, and J.J. Po-An Hsieh, “How to promote lurkers to share information in social network communities?” Presented at the 17th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM), Xiamen, China, June 29-30, 2024.
Liwei Chen, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, and Kimmy Wa Chan, "When the Internet-of-Things Meet Algorithms and the Impacts on the Multi-Stakeholder Service-Profit Chain," Presented at the INFORM Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Oct 15-18, 2023.
Xiaocong Cui, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, Mark Keil, and Liwei Chen, “Who Should Grasp Decision-Making Authority, Human or Intelligent System,” Proceedings of the 81st Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, July30-Aug 3, 2021.
Chewei Liu, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, Sunil Mithas, and Pang Yang, "Do Financial Advisors Matter? Online Channels and Investors’ Gambling Preferences,” Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, India, Dec 13-16, 2020 (PDF) (Video)
Xiaocong Cui, Jeremy J.M. Lee, and J.J. Po-An Hsieh, “A 3C evaluation framework for Explainable Artificial Intelligence,” Proceedings of the 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Cancun, Mexico, Aug 14-17, 2019.
Chewei Liu, Sunil Mithas, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, and Pang Yang, " The Effect of Financial Advisers on Investors’ Gambling Preference in the Digital Era,” Presented at the 11th INFORM Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Seattle, WA, USA. Oct 19-20, 2019.
Xiaocong Cui, Jeremy Lee, and J.J. Po-An Hsieh, “How May I Persuade You to Trust AI? Promote Explainable AI through Information Vividness,” Presented at the Pre-ICIS HCI Workshop, Munich, Germany, Dec 15-18, 2019.
Chewei Liu, Sunil Mithas, Pang Yang, and J.J. Po-An Hsieh, "Mobile App Adoption and Portfolio Diversity: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment” Presented at the Big 10+ MIS & Analytics Research Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, April 26-27, 2019.
Xiang Wan, Ji-Ye Mao, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, and Fu Chen, “The Influence of Data Analytics Capabilities on Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Exploitative and Exploratory Innovation,” Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, Korea, Dec 10-13, 2017. (PDF)
Junyi Yang, Alain Pinsonneault, and J.J. Po-An Hsieh, “Understanding Intention to Explore Business Intelligence Systems: The Role of Fit and Engagement,” Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA, Jan 4-7, 2017. (PDF)
Wei He, Andreas Scheroder, Yulin Fang, and J.J. Po-An Hsieh, “Converting Expertise Dissimilarity to Creativity: Impacts of Team TMS and Geographical Dispersion,” Proceedings of The 76th Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA, August 5-9, 2016.
(** Best Paper Award 1st Runner Up **)
(** Also nominated for the Carolyn Dexter Award **)
J.J. Po-An Hsieh, Arun Rai, Sean Xin Xu, Zhitao Yin “Managing Supply Base Complexity through All-in-One Intermediaries: IT-enabled Capabilities and Economic Outcomes,” Proceedings of the 8th INFORM Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Nashville, TN, USA. Nov 12-13, 2016.
Junyi Yang, Alain Pinsonneault, and J.J. Po-An Hsieh, “An Investigation of Intention to Explore Business Intelligence Systems: A Psychological Engagement Perspective,” Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin, Ireland. Dec 11-14, 2016. (PDF)
Lianne Lam, Xueyong Zhan, and J.J. Po-An Hsieh, “NGOs' Framing Strategies and Effects in Collaborative Process: A Field Experiment,” Proceedings of the 76th Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA, August 5-9, 2016.
J.J. Po-An Hsieh, Arun Rai, Sean Xin Xu, Zhitao Yin “Managing Supply Base Complexity through All-in-One Intermediaries: IT-enabled Capabilities and Economic Outcomes,” Presented at the 10th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM) Conference, Dalian, China, Nov 12-13, 2016.
Pan Yang, Sunil Mithas, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, and Che-Wei Liu, “The Online Channel, Trading Behavior, and Customer Profitability in Financial Services: Evidence from an Emerging Market,” Presented at the Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), Dallas, Texas, Dec 12-13, 2015.
Andreas Eckhardt, Christian Maier, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, Tim Chuk, Antoni B. Chan, Janet Hsiao, Ricardo Buettner, “Objective Measures of IS Usage Behavior Under Conditions of Experience and Pressure Using Eye Fixation Data,” Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milan, Italy. Dec 16-18, 2013 (PDF)
Junyi Yang, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, Kimmy Chan, and Anjing Zhao, "The Dynamic Impacts of Employee Job Motivation on Employee Job Performance and Corporate Customer Satisfaction: The Contingent Role of ERP System Implementation," Presented at the SIGADIT DIGIT Workshop, Milan, Italy. Dec 15, 2013.
Lianne Lam, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, and Zhan Xueyong, “An Experimental Study on the Effects of Environmental Education in China,” Workshop on Public Management Research in East and Southeast Asia, Presented at the 12th Public Management Research Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, June 20-22, 2013.
Xixi Li, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, and Arun Rai, "A Temporal Understanding of Knowledge Transfer after the Implementation of Customer Relationship Management Systems,” Presented at the 3rd Business Intelligence Congress, Orlando, Florida, USA, Dec 15-16, 2012.
Looney, C. A., Firth, D., Koch, H., Cecez-Kecmanovic, D., Hsieh, J. P.-A., Soh, C., Valacich, J. S., and Whitley, E. 2011. "The Credibility Crisis in IS: A Global Stakeholder Perspective," Proceedings of The 32nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Shanghai, China. (Note: In this panel discussion, Dr. Hsieh was invited as one of the two representatives of Asian IS scholars to discuss important issues about global IS community.)
Vivien Chen, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, Xu Huang, and Evert Van de Vliert, "Understanding Cross National Difference in Knowledge Seeking Behavioral Model: A Survival Perspective,” Proceedings of the 30th International Conferences on Information Systems (ICIS), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Dec 15-18, 2009. (PDF)
Xixi Li, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, and Arun Rai, "A Motivational Account for Post-Acceptance Routine and Innovative Use: Introducing the Concept of Tri-Dimensional Intrinsic Motivation,” Proceedings of the 30th International Conferences on Information Systems (ICIS), Phoenix, Arizona, Dec 15-18, 2009. (PDF)
Xixi Li, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, and Arun Rai, " Intrinsic Motivation toward Using Information Systems: A Rich Conceptualization and Empirical Test,” Presented at the 69th Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 7-12, 2009.
Xu Huang, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, and Joy He, "Expertise Dissimilarity and Creativity: Can Sharing Tacit and Explicit Knowledge Enhance Creativity?” Presented at the 68th Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Anaheim, California, USA, August 8-13, 2008.
J.J. Po-An Hsieh and Arun Rai “Leveraging CRM Information Systems in Multi-Channel Service Firms,” Presented at the 17th Frontier in Service Conference, Washington. D.C., USA, October 2-5, 2008.
Heshan Sun, Yulin Fang, and J.J. Po-An Hsieh, "Investing in Marginal Utility: An Economic Model of User Satisfaction of Organizational Systems," Presented at the Arizona Symposium of Frontiers in Information Technology and Applications, Tucson, AZ, USA, Feb 29–Mar 1, 2008.
Xixi Li and J.J. Po-An Hsieh “Impact of Transformational Leadership on System Exploration in the Mandatory Organizational Context,” Proceedings of the 28th International Conferences on Information Systems (ICIS), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Dec 9 – 12, 2007. (PDF)
Wei Wang and J.J. Po-An Hsieh "Beyond Routine: Symbolic Adoption, Emergent Use, and Extended Use of Complex Information System in the Mandatory Organizational Context,” Proceedings of the 27th International Conferences on Information Systems (ICIS), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, December 11- 13, 2006. (PDF)
(** Best Paper Award ** for Human Computer Interaction Track - ICIS 2006)
J.J. Po-An Hsieh and Robert Zmud ”Understanding Post-Adoptive Usage Behaviors: A Two-Dimensional View,“ Proceedings of the DIGIT Workshop¸ Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, Dec. 10, 2006. (PDF)
Wei Wang, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, and John E. Butler, "System Emergent Usage: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Exploration,” Presented at the 66th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, August 11-16, 2006.
J.J. Po-An Hsieh, Mark Keil, and Arun Rai, "Understanding Digital Inequality," Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Les Vegas, NV, USA, December 11-14, 2005. (PDF)
J.J. Po-An Hsieh, Mark Keil, and Arun Rai, "Leverage Points for Addressing Digital Inequalities: Comparing Under-Privileged Adopters and Non-Adopters of High Speed Internet TV," Proceedings of the 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Omaha, NE, USA August 11th-14th 2005. (PDF)
J.J. Po-An Hsieh, Mark Keil, and Arun Rai, "Leverage Points for Addressing Digital Inequalities: Comparing Under-Privileged Adopters and Non-Adopters of High Speed Internet TV," Presented at the Digital Divide Symposium (MISRC/CRITO), 2004, Minneapolis, MN.
Stacie Petter, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, and Vijay Vaishnavi, “PACE: Using Narrative Cases to Support the Management of Software Development Projects,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies (CCCT), 2003, Orlando, FL.
J.J. Po-An Hsieh, “Knowledge Management Systems Success: An Assessment Model for Project Based Knowledge Repositories,” Queens’ University Knowledge Summit Doctoral Consortium, 2002, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
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